Position Descriptions

K9COLA Board Descriptions
Without our dedicated volunteers, we wouldn’t have the parks like we do today. Many of us wear different hats, but we share one thing in common – the love of dogs. If you are interested in joining our board, or would like to attend our public meeting, please send us a note to [email protected].
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on EVEN years. It is preferred that the Chairperson has been actively involved with K9COLA over the previous year.
- Prepares agenda and leads monthly board meetings.
- First-line contact person for internal and external customers (and concerns/complaints at the parks about visitor violations).
- Contact with Parks Department/other city departments for formal arrangements.
- Signator for all official documentation.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on EVEN years. It is preferable, though not necessary, that the Vice-Chairperson has the desire and skills to assume the Chairperson’s position when the Chairperson’s term is complete.
In the Chairperson’s absence or inability to fulfill his/her duties, Vice-Chairperson assumes Chairperson’s regular duties, including:
- Prepares agenda and leads monthly board meetings.
- First-line contact person for internal and external customers (and concerns/complaints at the parks about visitor violations).
- Contact with Parks Department/other city departments for formal arrangements.
- Signator for all official documentation.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on ODD years.
- Takes minutes for board meetings and disseminates to membership.
- Writes correspondence on behalf of K9COLA (generally under the chairperson’s signature).
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on ODD years.
- Chairs the Volunteer subcommittee if one is needed.
- Keeps records of all deposits and checks written on behalf of K9COLA.
- Takes taxes to accountant annually.
- Gives financial report at board meetings.
- Writes checks as needed, makes deposits regularly.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Fundraising Coordinator
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on ODD years.
- Chairs the Fundraising subcommittee if one is needed.
- Recruits subcommittee members.
- Reports at board meetings about activities, including the activities of the subcommittee.
- Responsible for correspondence with donors (thank-yous, information requests, etc.).
- Keeps records of donations, and information about donors.
- Plans, coordinates, and implements fundraising strategies. Works with Chairperson and Public Engagement Coordinator to create campaign materials.
- Works with Volunteer Coordinator to recruit volunteers to help with fund-raising activities.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Public Engagement Coordinator
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on ODD years.
- Chairs the Public Education subcommittee if one is needed. Recruits subcommittee members.
- Reports at board meetings about activities, including the activities of the subcommittee.
- Facilitates public communications including press releases, the K9COLA website, and social media.
- Manages K9COLA collateral materials, including items such as brochures, park kiosk postings, banners, and donation jars.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Volunteer Coordinator
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on EVEN years.
- Chairs the Volunteer subcommittee if one is needed.
- Recruits subcommittee members. Reports at board meetings about activities, including the activities of the subcommittee.
- Keeps contact information and records of current and potential volunteers.
- Works with Chairperson and other coordinators to provide adequate and appropriate volunteers for K9COLA activities.
- Registers and provides volunteers for volunteer fairs and other recruitment activities.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Site Coordinator
Two-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting on EVEN years.
- Chairs the Site subcommittee if one is needed. Recruits subcommittee members.
- Reports at board meetings about activities, including activities of the subcommittee.
- Main contact with Animal Control/Parks Dept. for replenishing garbage bags and bag dispensers. Checks at least twice monthly.
- Does monthly inspection of site for damage/repairs needed and reports them at board meetings and makes contact with parks department as needed.
- Orders signs and oversees installation for policies in park.
- Orders plaques, etc. for appropriate donations (as indicated by the Fundraising Coordinator).
- Schedules regular clean-up days at the park.
- Schedules building days at park as needed for special projects.
- Brainstorms needs and solutions at park regarding site development (could be an ad hoc responsibility). Helps choose new sites and present pros/cons to regular committee.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
One-year term
Elections are held for this position during the November meeting each year.
- Attends board and committee meetings regularly.
- Completes assignments promptly.
Now that you’ve read these descriptions, what are you waiting for? The Board plans events, oversees the parks, fundraise for improvments, and educates the public about the parks. Please consider serving on the Board.We are looking for some fresh and new ideas!