Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions? We have answers.
Currently, the Cedar Rapids Municipal Code (23.10 Confinement of Female Dogs in Heat) states that dogs in heat should remain in their own home or garage unless going out to the vet or to defecate. The same penalty will result for dogs in heat in the Park as would for dogs in heat elsewhere in City.
For your dog’s safety, please do not use prong, choke, or training collars in the Park. Prong, choke, and training collars pose BIG problems for dogs in the Park. When dogs play, they use their teeth. It’s very easy for a dog’s teeth to become entangled in these types of collars. The dog who is caught cannot get itself loose and panics; the dog whose collar is being pulled is likely to twist in its efforts to escape and can easily choke to death before humans can intercede to help.
Once you are inside the fenced area of Main Park, you should remove your dog’s leash. If you expect your dog to be leashed when all the other dogs in the Park are loose, you are putting it in a very stressful situation. It cannot meet and greet dogs in the way a dog prefers to meet another. It is being restrained while other dogs approach it, circle it, sniff it. Your dog is much more likely to act in a way that may seem fearful or even aggressive if it is restrained and unable to respond to the approaches of other dogs in a relaxed manner. If you are unsure about getting your dog to come back to you, please use the Training Yard until you are more confident of its recall.
If your dog is involved in an unpleasant experience (no Injury) with another dog or person please remove them from the park for the day.
If your dog is vicious to another dog or person (causing injury) it will be reported as a vicious dog to Animal Control and will be subject to City policies regarding the issue. For enforcement of the Park Rules & Policies please contact the Police. For park maintenance issues please contact Parks & Recreation.
Contact information:
Police: 319-286-5491
Animal Control: 319-286-5993
Parks and Recreation: 319-286-5566